Lisa Nemzo – The Official Website

One Kind Word Project

News! 2024

Hello Dearest Music Fans,

While we have such glaring examples of unkindness all around us, and an uprising of people who want to make a difference, I have a team of creative people gathered together to make a powerful music video using my song “One Kind Word”. We are launching a funding campaign to raise $-  We will need volunteers to help with administration, marketing and promo, and a crew to haul camera equipment on a 3 day shoot.

The “One Kind Word Project” has partnered with (fill in) non-profit organization. Who will benefit? Homeless kids, adults, giving them shelter, food, clothing, jobs and most importantly respect and a purpose.  A percentage of everything we receive will go to (fill in).


We want to reach out to every country, province, state, city and town about sharing kindness through the music video, One Kind Word.

Please join us and help us raise $- to help make this inspired music video, and launch an international campaign to create a kinder world! With your donation, we can spread kindness through actions, music and love to all corners of the globe. The One Kind Word Project has the intention and vision to empower hundreds of homeless youth and adults, veterans and their families.

The One Kind Word music video and campaign will be shared with visionary leaders and politicians. A One Kind Word Podcast will feature healers, musicians and recording artists from all over the world, who will share their challenging and uplifting stories. We will be taking phone calls from listeners and providing advice and tools to get through these challenging times. Our vision is BIG! That’s why the record label is called DREAM WILD RECORDS!

Joining together, we will succeed by partnering with like-minded artists and organizations all over the world.


“One Kind Word = One Kind World”

Please join us today and become part of the One Kind Word Campaign/Project.

Any donation will be welcomed. Please watch the promo video below~


Donations are tax deductible! Donate today~

$100 T-shirt of One Kind Word 

$250  – Autographed numbered copy of Vinyl LP of Unlock My Heart  and One Kind Word single

$500 — Receive a gift certificate for a 30 min Nemzotics Polarity Therapy  session online with Lisa Nemzo BCPP

$1,500 —Receive a video performed by Lisa Nemzo (first 10  $100 -$499 donations)

$2,500 — Signature Lisa Nemzo Guitar lesson – learn the art of over-the-neck harmonics 

$5,000 — Meet the OneKindWord team – get behind the scene stories

$10,000 – $25,000– Co-write a song with Lisa

$50,000 or more – All the above


For more information contact Dream Wild Records here.


ONE KIND WORD (it’s all it would take)

ONE KIND WORD (heal the heartache)

ONE KIND WORD (the difference it would make)



Peace Out~
Lisa Nemzo

Dream Wild Records
[email protected]